Monday, October 31, 2005

It's over...for now.

Well I finally got my Pc working again. It seems to be running smoothly. Even though I lost all my info it still feels good to have a nice fresh clean install of windows on your machine. The only problem is trying to remember all my bookmarks and crap. And also the fact that I lost my game data. But most of the games that I play are online anyways.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Ahhh not again.

Well I don't know how many people know about my whole ordeal with my Pc. Well it started over the summer when I first built it, the motherboard came with dead BIOS. After that big head ache I got it replace and it was working fine. But know I think I contracted a nast viruse and it made my Pc go retarted. I reinstalled Window$ and it still doing the same thing. I think i'm going to have to buy a new Hard Drive. I hoping it's the HD and not another pieace of hard ware like my video card. God help my if it is my video card. If anyone has any usefull info let me know at

Friday, October 28, 2005

Best Buy and Geek Squad Suck!!!!!!

Well I guess by the title you can figure out what this is going to be about. Best Buy and the Geek Squad are garbage. My ipod has crashed 2 times in the past year and i've had to bring it back to them so they can replace it or fix it. After 3 repairs i'm intitled to a new ipod. I left my ipod with them a month and a week ago and I just got it today. Not only does it not look like mine it has alot more scratches and knicks everywhere. I'm so pissed right now...

Check out a wallpaper i made for the Hak.5 forums...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Report Card Night :(

Well tonight it's report card night. I'm a bit on the edge but nothin to be worried about. Last year I did really well, so i'm hoping I don't screw this one up too bad. I'm interested in seeing what my friends get. My brother as usual got a really nice report card(freakin dork!). Well i'll update later when I find out what my grades are.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Got it figured out.

I finally got this thing figured out. But yea, if you guys haven't been to you should check it out. Digg is the best place to go to check out all the latest in Tech news and in the tech world. I have a link to in on the left side of my blog. Also the other links their are really good. I wouldn't bother going to my Myspace unless you wanna see my ugly pic. But you should check out Mr.Harrison, digg, hak.5, and all the other sites.
I don't know how many people are going to be reading this blog but let me just say a few things about myself:

I'm a 17 year old senior in High School. I attend Abraham Lincoln High School in Brooklyn, NY. It was a good school up untill this year when they put in metal detectors and everything went gay. I'm still trying to figure a way to get my cell phone and my ipod passed the metal detectors without getting caught. If anyone knows how please let me know ASAP.

I'm into any thing tech related. I like to program hacks on my free time. If Igor is reading he knows what hack i'm talking about lol. If you got any questions shoot me an E-mail at I'm also giving away Gmail invites if you still don't have. For some reason people still don't have an account. It's one of the most secure web mail out their. It uses SSL so it's secure.

Blogger is weird

If any one out there knows why i had to srat my blogger all over please let me know. I tried to update my page and it wouldn't update. It's so weird.