Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Some crazy video's and pic's.

Nothing interesting to say today but I got some cool video's to link you too. Check it out, I found these video's on (the link is to the right). This video never aired here in the states due to it's content but it's Napsters new add. It aired in the UK and Canada. WARNING: This video contains a very hot chick stripping, no nudity is show but she migh as well be naked:

The next video I got for you is what happens when Grand Theft Auto meets the LEGO universe. Check this video out it's freakin nutz. It should make you laugh, but even if you don't have a sense of humor it should at least make you giggle:

What I got next is mainly for the geek guys who may read this. This link is of hot girls holding up cool techie things. It seems that these pics were taken at some kind of kinky LAN party. So again if your a geek dude your probably going to enjoy these and if your a geek girl ... who knows you might enjoy these as well. enjoy:

Hot Geek Chicks

So thats all for now. I'll check l8er to see if you guys left any comments. Peace.



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