Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Giving Ubuntu 7.10 a spin.

So I have been living with Windows Vista for some time now at home and at work. First off I want to say that there have been time when I actually enjoy Vista...not many time but there have been a few moments where I have enjoyed it. I have always been a fan of Open Source software and a fan of Linux in general. I had Ubuntu 6.06 "Dapper Drake" installed on my Dell laptop for a while and enjoyed it alot (minus the fact that for some reason no one had the Broadcom drivers for my wireless card). But other than the wireless card issue there really wasn't much that I couldn't do.
Fast forward a couple of months and there are a few more released of Ubuntu including Edgy Eft and the beta for Gutsy. Windows Vista had already been released as well. So me being the not so intelligent person that I am, I decided to go ahead and install Vista on my main PC at home which I use for my day to day tasks when I'm not at work. But most importantly I use it to game. Vista was said to have some issues with games, I saw little of these problems but most were over come with a slight memory upgrade.
Now I don't plan to game on a Linux machine but for the past few days I have had Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbons" installed and I LOVE IT. I have been bringing it to work with me and it has found all the printers our network and it has also let me use the built in remote desktop tool to remote into the servers that I manage. Not to mention that Linux has the most abundant set of security auditing tools around, including apps such as Nmap, Wireshark (R.I.P Ethereal) and ncat. So i'm going to go ahead and list some of my favorite features of Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Gibbons":

1) It's fast! I'm running it on a two year old Dell Inspiron with 512MB of RAM. Only 512!!! And a slow Intel Celeron (not sure of the speed at the moment).

2) It's easy to figure out where everything is. I haven't really had a problem locating any kind of menu, or any feature that I was looking for.

3) Ubuntu always bundles great apps with it's distribution of Linux. Including Open Office, Firefox and the now renamed instant messenger client Pidgin.

4) And last but certainly not least, the 3D desktop interface Compiz-Fusion is amazing. I had Beryl installed on my previous versions of Ubuntu and always liked it, but the little effects and attention to detail are what really sell me on this version of Ubuntu.

I can totally see my self leaving the Windows Operating System behind and using Linux as my full time Operating System of choice. The only time I won't be using it is at work, but thats ok.
From what I hear the next Version of Ubuntu "Hardy Heron" will also be amazing and it's going to be a LTS (Long Term Support) Version.

Until next time. Peace!

Monday, December 17, 2007

Let's try this one more time.

I have posted in a LONG time, so i'm just going to try this blog posting thing one more time. This blog is going to be undergoing some changes visually and conceptually. I'm also going to be changing the aim of this blog. It's going to be geared more towards the tech side of things. Also it's going to be featuring a lot of open source stuff.

Lets give this another try.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Some crazy video's and pic's.

Nothing interesting to say today but I got some cool video's to link you too. Check it out, I found these video's on (the link is to the right). This video never aired here in the states due to it's content but it's Napsters new add. It aired in the UK and Canada. WARNING: This video contains a very hot chick stripping, no nudity is show but she migh as well be naked:

The next video I got for you is what happens when Grand Theft Auto meets the LEGO universe. Check this video out it's freakin nutz. It should make you laugh, but even if you don't have a sense of humor it should at least make you giggle:

What I got next is mainly for the geek guys who may read this. This link is of hot girls holding up cool techie things. It seems that these pics were taken at some kind of kinky LAN party. So again if your a geek dude your probably going to enjoy these and if your a geek girl ... who knows you might enjoy these as well. enjoy:

Hot Geek Chicks

So thats all for now. I'll check l8er to see if you guys left any comments. Peace.


Monday, December 05, 2005

Puerto Rico baby!

Well for those of you who don't know me i'm Puerto Rican and I have a crazy family. The man below is my grand father from my dads side. He's a cool old dude but just misunderstood.

The picture above is my cousins house with the sun setting in the back. It's a nice place where my family lives.

My family is form the Aguadilla part of Puerto Rico. Rougly translated I guess Aguadilla means "waterville". It's at the west coast and all the way to the north of the Island. It's a great place to live.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

He who owns!

I dont' know how many people out there are reading this but if you haven't seen any of the purepwnage video's then you don't know what your missing. They put out some of the crazyist crap I have ever seen. Check them out at . Go see them right now. Before you download the whole episode you can watch some shorts. Check to the right of their hompage. Their are some links. I'm telling you good stuff. By the way if you couldn't guess by the title, the show is about being a ub3r_l33t gamer and pwning n00bs.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

New IPTV show out.

There is a new IPTV show out on the Web. It's called stepONE. It's a great show and I think everyone should check it out. You can Find them at For the new guys on the block they did a good job. But dont' forget to check out the other great IPTV shows out there like:
Hak.5 (link to the right of the blog)
Diggnation(systm,theBroken and Diggnation under Revision3)
FromtheShadows (link to the Right)

Friday, November 04, 2005

Bloging from photography!

Well i'm here in my photo class just blogging nothingness. I'm actually waiting to go to the first meeting of the Abraham Lincoln Anime club. We still arent' sure of what where going to watch but i'm sure what ever it is it's going to be good. We all have good tast in Anime. Next week i'm going to bring in my 195 DVD case with all my anime. Thats all for now. Oh BTW i'm blogging on my teachers Apple G5 with Dual 2GHZ PowerPC processors and 3.5GB of RAM.